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Can I back up my podcast?

Yes! Buzzsprout makes it super easy to back up your entire podcast, including your episode audio files, artwork, RSS feed, and transcripts. 

While all your data is safe while you remain on a paid Buzzsprout plan, we encourage you to back up your podcast and save it locally. Having a local copy of your podcast adds an extra level of protection for all your hard work. This is also a recommended first step if you are moving to a new host! 

To back up your podcast, go to Settings in the upper right-hand corner of your Buzzsprout account and select Backup from the dropdown menu. 

Download Your Episode Audio Files

To download your episode audio files, simply click the button labeled Download your audio files on the Backup page. Then we'll compress all your audio files into a zipped file and email you with a link once it's ready!
CleanShot 2024-08-15 at 14.33.48@2x.png Note: This email won't come through immediately, you should receive it within 10-15 minutes.

Once you receive the email, you can follow the link that will take you back to your Backup page in Buzzsprout. Then click the Download your audio files button again and we’ll start downloading that zipped file to your computer!

Once the zipped file has been downloaded to your computer, you can access your audio files by clicking on the zipped file to open it. Then you will see each episode audio file labeled with your episode titles.

Download Your Artwork

To download your podcast artwork, click Download your artwork. This will automatically download a full-resolution version of your podcast artwork and save it to your computer as a JPEG file.
CleanShot 2024-08-15 at 14.41.48@2x.png Note: Your individual episode artwork is stored within each MP3 file, so as long as you download your episode audio files, you will have your episode artwork saved as well.

Download Your RSS Feed

To download your RSS feed, click Download your RSS Feed. Your RSS feed is a page of raw data where all your episode and podcast information is stored. It is simply a text file. So, when you download your RSS feed we will download a .rss file to your computer.
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Download Your Episode Transcripts

To download your transcripts, click Download your transcripts. This will download one text file (TXT) to your computer that includes all of your episode transcripts.
CleanShot 2024-08-15 at 14.44.48@2x.png
If you have any questions about backing up your data, shoot us an email at and we will be happy to help you out!