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How do I add my own sponsor or affiliate?

Many podcasters make money by working with sponsors or becoming an affiliate partner with brands. In Buzzsprout, we have made it really simple to track that information within your account!

Where do I add my Sponsor and Affiliate info?

 You can add your Sponsor and Affiliate information to your Buzzsprout account by going to the Monetization page and clicking on the Sponsors & Affiliates tab. You can click Add a Sponsor/Affiliate and add as many partners as you need to!  CleanShot 2024-12-17 at 16.52.33@2x.png Within that details page, you can add the company name, upload a logo or brand artwork, the appropriate URL, and a brief description. Then hit Add this Sponsor/Affiliate and your brand has been added successfully!
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You will find all of your saved entries in this section!

Adding a Brand Mention to an Episode

Once you’ve added this information to your account, you can then easily add it to your episode description by going into the episode you want to add the affiliate link to, and clicking “Add Sponsors & Affiliates” on the right-hand side of your screen!
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If you have any questions or run into any issues, we can help! Just email our support team at